Book Reviews written by Jane Easton

Raising the Runes by Jeremy R.J White ✨


May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'A Shamanic Journey through Avalon RAISING THE RUNES JEREMY R R.J. J. WHITE'
Jeremy's book is a personal record of his journey through the Elder Futhark Rune Stones after his life foundations literally fell apart around him.
Odin & the Runes came into his life to guide and reconnect him to our ancient lineage - each Rune held a story, a teaching, an insight and healing. All, he shares with the reader.
You too can walk with the Runes. They are keys to the mystical realms, which lie waiting for you to unlock. Your experiences will conclude with a unique journal of deep understanding and an inward journey of self-discovery.
Jeremy's book is well written with knowledge, emotion and humour. He doesn't hold back with his narrative, which I personally found refreshing. This book is not a Rune guide per se, but an individuals informative experience. That said, there is plenty to learn by reading his encounters.
Dive in, make or buy some Runes or join Jeremy's online course at
Review by Jane Easton  🌺

The Little Book of Animal Wisdom. Author: Naseem Ashun.

 animal wisdom  chakra  dolphin  Naz Ashun  power animals  Snake  spider  tiger

The Little Book of Animal Wisdom. Author: Naseem Ashun.

'Discover how to connect with your Power Animal,and learn to utilise the gifts from them through dance and your chakra system....'Naseem Ahsun.

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Avebury Luke and the Flint Knapper’s Son Written by Barbara Townsend Illustrated by Chantal Bourgonje

Bronze Age  Flint Knapper  Luke  Mesolithic  Neolithic  Stonehenge  Time Travel

Avebury  Luke and the Flint Knapper’s Son  Written by Barbara Townsend  Illustrated by Chantal Bourgonje

Still reeling and shocked from his unbelievable experience at Stonehenge Luke wondered if it could happen again. No one believed that he'd travelled back in time..............

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Bobby The Brown Long-eared Bat

 book review

Bobby The Brown Long-eared Bat

It was June 21st and it was a very special day, for not only was it Midsummer's day, but also Bobby the Brown long-eared bat was born......... A.S.MILLS

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"Earth Chakras" by Robert Coon

  book  book review  earth  earth chakras  ley lines  robert coon

"Earth Chakras" by Robert Coon

Review by Jane Easton. Earth Chakras are similar to the organs of the body, which in turn, contribute to the health of the world. Each continent has an Earth Chakra on it.  Each chapter within the book is described in detail, including the major sacred sites central to each Chakra.  Further reading into the book, explains the energies described as a dynamic vortex - Chakras may be directing straight lines along Dragon paths, Ley lines or solo lines. All are connecting pathways - also known as arteries of the Earth. They connect each continental Earth Chakra to another. Due to...

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Book reviews coming soon.